Monday, 20 August 2012

Tennant creek

24kms south of Three Ways
506kms north. Of Alice Springs
Climate max temp 24-38
Min temp 11-25
Average rainfall 371
Population 3,100

Monday 13th we left Katherine heading to Tennant Creek. Decided to stay a couple of days at WW11 airstrip once again at Daly Waters where we stayed with the B's one our way up north. First night a couple from homebush not far from our house in Sydney, arrived and camped next to us so we had a good old natter. They left the next morning and we walked down to the Daly Waters pub for lunch.
Tuesday 14th
Left Daly Waters and headed onto Tennant Creek. On our way there we came to a road block in a small town called Elliot with the cops and vehicle inspectors doing D.U.I testing both ways. The young and happy policeman wanted to know if we wanted the good news first or the bad news. Good news was we can stretch our legs after pulling onto the side of the road.Bad news we are getting a Defect Label on our windscreens due to a large crack we got about 6 weeks ago. We need to get a new windscreens in tennant creek or Alice Springs and have 28 days to do this, also after the windscreen has been replaced the car also has to get another pink slip just in case there are other defects. I explained we had just got pink slip in May for rego. Obviously he was not interested in my comment and i thought about telling him the bloody rock that cracked my windscreen came from the NT but thought better of it. We were not the only ones with this problem as at the three ways servo while we were having our lunch another guy told us he got defected due to a windscreen crack as well. We were going to get on fitted in Tennant Creek but got quoted $560 fitted, and then we got a quote from Alice Spings at $350.00 so it was a no brainer. Hoping to stay at Mary Ann dam stayed there on our way up north with the B's. Not to be, a big sign saying no camping and a tree had been taken out and one big clean up happening. Next stop a caravan park in Tennant creek called the "Outback" @ $22 a night unpowered staying for two night waiting for mail Melinda has forward on. After checking with the post office we found out it can take up to 10 working days for mail from Brisbane to Tennant Creek.snail mail!!
Friday 17th
Left Tennant Creek after stopping at post office to forward our mail back to Alice Springs. Will more than likely pass the mail truck on the road some where between Alice Springs and Tennant creek. We stopped at the Devils marbles 110 south of Tennant creek ( 400+km to Alice Springs) and Have decided to stay for a few nights. Camp fees are $6.60 per night for two so cheap enough. We have decided to Stay till Monday as Alice Springs is packed out with some boat racing along the main street, you know the one that they stand up inside the boats and run like hell. Will find out more once we get there. After having lunch Warren and I had fun walking around our back yard(photo) had fun trying to lift the big marbles pictures below.
Awoke after a good night sleep in spite of the French family that camped next to us who insisted on sliding the Britz rental van doors opened and closed until all hours. Our resident lame dingo continued to do the rounds of all the camp area looking for scraps of food that had been thrown out. He is quite tame and sleeps in the middle of the car park during the day. Had a camp oven cook up yesterday casseroles rump steak with all the veggies in, bloody yummie. Warren is getting dam good at cooking with the camp oven and he seems to be enjoying doing the cooking.
Sunday 19th
Today we will use the camp oven again to cook up curried chicken. There was a push biker in the camp this morning and he was from the Netherlands and started biking from Adelaide and he is heading to Darwin. We gave him a cup of coffee and some apples to help him on his way. He left Alice springs 2 days ago so has covered 410 ks in the two days so he is going ok. The bike he is riding is from the Netherlands and called a "Gazelle" and it's just a standard riding to work type bike that appears to be very sturdy.
Monday 20th
Left Devils marbles just after 9.00am and heading south. First stop Wycliffe Wells. It's a service station,and the centre of Australia and also a few years ago they said the UFO landed there of cause we have to's tell the story. Talk about a looney this guy is from outer space i reckon. Next stop, Barron Creek that where Joanne Lees got dropped off by a road train after her boyfriend Peter falconio had been shoot by Murdock and she managed to escape, What a eye opener the pub needs a bloody good clean up or a match put to it so dam dirty inside and junk outside. I was wanting to buy a bottle of wine and Warren a Beer sorry no take away to anyone and it's a pub. So we will just have to go without which is good for the waste line and pocket. We found a great spot to camp for the night and a bonus there is also grass,something we haven't seen in a few weeks. We are camped at the Ti Tree roadhouse about 200km north of Alice Springs.

1 comment:

  1. That alien place looks creepy! Johnnos
